Note: These books are free or heavily discounted on the date listed in the title. The authors may not offer the book for free or discounted in the future. Get them while you can!
Ultimatum: Dinners with Saul
Paper boats drift downstream, thinking they’re in control, but their journey is really determined by the quality of the paper, the strength of the current, and the direction of the wind. Ultimatum: A Political Thriller.
When Doubt Creeps In
Surviving Chaos
Go-getting journalist Cass Drews just wants her miserable day to end. Desperate to put her breakup behind her, she agrees to one last face-to-face with her ex. But when they’re nearly killed by an out-of-control car, she’s horrified as the nightmare of her relationship suddenly takes a backseat.
Wanderer’s Song
Darkness Before Dawn
Whatever your impression is of an investigative journalist, it won’t come close to the actual writing career of Ray Florentine. In Darkness Before Dawn, Ray’s first big story as a cub reporter continually pierces his mind. His breakout article left him with no happy endings and haunting nightmares. He decides to reopen his memories and do a follow up piece on those families who had lost children to unsolved circumstances.
Return To Parlor City
A con artist returns to the scene of his earlier grift and teams up with a corrupt mayor and a Miami mobster known as “The Nose” to peddle stolen German war bonds. When Parlor City Det. Billy Meacham, Jr. snifts out the scam, panic envelops the conspirators and they plan their escape.